"White As Snow"

Pastor Mark A. Callister


I love when snow falls and covers my world with a blanket of white silence.  The discomfort of cold and wet is easily overshadowed by the sense of awe and beauty that it invokes in me. 

As a child snow was seldom and light.  Cold itself was never much of an enemy.  The home I grew up in didn’t even have a furnace, just a few baseboard heaters in a couple key rooms.  So anytime it snowed I was glued to the window just waiting for the chance to go out and explore the wonder.  Mom would finally give the ok and bundle us up.  She would put us in jeans and boots and hats and “gloves” which really were just socks covered with bread sacks, with a rubber band to keep the things from falling off.  We would stay outside until the wet and cold finally worked its way through our enthusiasm into our bones.  Dry clothes, tomato soup and a grilled cheese sandwich would put everything in our world back to rights.

The street I lived on as a youngster was called Evergreen Drive and snow took that green world and changed it to a glistening white.  It was the same world, but newer and fresher and cleaner and brighter.

          I cannot see the snow these days without thinking about the words of the Lord through the prophet Isaiah, “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow…” 

When I heard that the Lord was willing to wash my sins away, I jumped at the offer, so did King David who said, “wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.”

Has the scarlet stain of your sins been washed away by the love of Christ?  If not, cleansing is only a prayer away.  If you have prayed that prayer, then the next time it snows you can look out the window and thank the Lord for making your life newer and fresher and cleaner and brighter.

Let it snow!

La Junta Nazarene